- 1961 Jennings and Brink asked that you remember Moisture, Color, Consistency, Soil type, Structure and Origin
- 1961 First course in Soil Mechanics at University of the Witwatersrand. It was proposed that a short course in soil mechanics should be given in South Africa at the University of the Witwatersrand. The aim of the course was to give the ordinary practicing engineer and architect a better understanding of the subject.
- 1962 3rd ARCSMFE held in Salisbury, Zimbabwe
- 1963-1964 Serious dolomitic instability on the West Rand
- 1964 April the Division arranged three courses of lectures at the universities of the Witwatersrand, Natal and Cape Town. Forty-four people attended the course on bearing capacity at Wits, at which the use of the bearing capacity tables in the SABS draft code was encouraged, based on adequate soil profile recognition and description. Settlement was the theme in Cape Town and 14 enthusiastic engineers attended. At this course the general view was that the South African engineer needed courses with local content and case studies and not merely overall views of the subject.
- 1967 4th ARCSMFE held in Cape Town, South Africa
- 1970s Construction of Standard Bank Centre in Johannesburg