- 1970s Construction of Standard Bank Centre in Johannesburg
- In 1973 two memorable courses were held: ‘The stability of rock slopes’ in February and ‘Tunnelling in rock’ in October.
- Got to here in main body text
- 1976 6th ARCSMFE held in Durban, South Africa
- 1977 P K le Roux Dam completed
- 1978 9th ICSMFE Tokyo and Bafokeng tailings dam failure
- 1978 Jennings Award made to Dr Frank Netterberg
- 1979 Jennings Award made to Dr Tony Brink
- 1980 7th ARC, Accra, Ghana: ‘African Problem Soils in Engineering Practice’
- 1980 SA Geotechnical Conference held at the Palms Hotel, Silverton, Pretoria
- 1980 Jennings Award made to AL (Sandy) Melvill and D C R (Duncan) Mackellar