The main theme of the 17th ARCSMGE was “Innovation and Sustainability in Geotechnics for Developing Africa”. The theme originated from the fact that Africa as a whole suffers from a pronounced infrastructural deficit when compared to other developed countries and regions.
Therefore, both innovative and sustainable infrastructure is crucial for Africa’s economic integration. As such, the vision of improved geotechnics is a positive notion directed at the development of the continent.
The conference theme was broad and inclusive; presenting a range of opportunities to stakeholders from the entire geotechnical industry.
The 7th African Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Conference (AYGE) also took place on Sunday 6 October 2019, the day before the ARCSMGE. The AYGE conference provided an approachable audience within a vibrant environment where young presenters under the age of 35 were encouraged to exercise their presentation and technical writing skills on a continental platform.
More information about the 17th ARCSMGE and AYGE conference is available on the website
Preface (Extract from Proceedings)
Africa faces a pronounced infrastructural deficit when compared to most developed countries and regions. Therefore, holly innovativc and sustainable infrastructure is crucial for Africa’s economic integration. As such, the vision of advancing geotechnics in Africa is a positive notion directed at the development of the continent. In this context, the main thème of the Seventeenth African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (17th ARCSMGE ), held in Cape Town, South Africa, from 7th to 9th October 2019, “Innovation and Sustainability in Geotechnics for Developing Africa”, was most appropriate and timely. The scope was broad and inclusive, presenting a range of opportunities to stakeholders from the entire geotechnical community.
Organised in the scenic city of Cape Town by the South African institution of Civil Engineering’s Geotechnical Division, and in conjunction with the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), the conference brought together academics and practitioners from across the globe. Preceding the main event, the ISSMGE Board and Council meetings took place at the conference venue. Furthermore, the lnternational Geosynthetics Society (IGS) also held their board meeting during the conference.
The conference hosted the 17th Jennings Lecture presented by the world-renowned unsaturated soils expert Prof. Delwyn Fredlund (Canada) and the Mercer Lecture on geosynthetics for construction on soft foundation soils delivered by Prof. Kerry Rowe (Canada). Additionally, two special lectures by Prof. Buddhima Indraratna (Australia) and Dr. John Mukabi (Kenya) were presented, as well as a Bright Spark Lecture by Dr. Charles MacRobert (South Africa).
A total of‘ 131 papCFS are included in the conference proceedings, including the special papers for the keynote lectures, with each manuscript subjected to rigorous peer review by at least two members of the scientific committee. The proceedings constitute a wide array of articles that were delivered by authors from 44 countries including: Algeria, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Fiance, Ger many, Ghana, Haiti, Italy, lvory Coast, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Portugal, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The topics featured in these proceedings were divided into broad themes that deal with:
- Laboratory Testing/Soil Characterisation
- Mechanically Stabilised Ground
- Site Characterisation
- Tailings Dams and Landfills
- Analysis/Modelling
- Case Studies
- Lateral Support, Slopes, Piled Foundations and Design
- Ground Improvement
It is hoped that the proceedings of the 17th ARCSMGE will be of interest to developers, practitioners, consultants, academics, researchers and students of all geotechnical backgrounds.
On behalf of the Conference Organising and Scientific committees, we would like to thank all authors and participants who contributed to waking this African Regional Conference a fruitful, enriching and memorable event. Special gratitude is expressed to the reviewers of the papers for ensuring the high standard of the proceedings. A word of thanks is also expressed to those who served as session chairs. We wish to register our sincere appreciation to both the Local Add isory Committee and the International Advisory Committee. We also gratefully acknowledge the co1il’erence sponsors: Franki Africa, Terra Strata, Admir Technologies, Lieblien‘, Rocscience, TRI Africa, SRK Consulting, Fibertcx, Bauer. Miikvana Group and RIC Africa, as well as the Mercer Lectui e sponsor, Tensar International. Their support is truly appreciated.
Denis Kalumba SW Jacobsz
Chairman of Organising Committee 17th ARCSMGE Chairman of Scientific Committee 17th ARCSMGE
Use this link to view the Table of Contents of papers submitted for the conference.