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Archive overview

1950 - 1960
1960 - 1970
1970 - 1980
1980 - 1990
1990 - 2000
2000 – 2010
2010 – 2020
1979 Engineering Geology of South Africa Volume 1 Published
1975 6th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering – Durban
1974 Bafokeng tailings dam failure The Flow of slurry from the breached Tailings Dam
Click here to download the paper for The flow of slurry from a breached tailings dam
1970 Standard Bank Building Under Construction
With Johannesburg firmly establishing itself as the economic heartland of South Africa during the mid 20th century, Standard Bank decided to move its South African head office from Pretoria to Johannesburg in 1959.  The head office moved into the upper floors of the Johannesburg branch building, situated on the corner of Commissioner, Harrison and Fox… View Article
Highlights (1970 – 1980)
1970s Construction of Standard Bank Centre in Johannesburg In 1973 two memorable courses were held: ‘The stability of rock slopes’ in February and ‘Tunnelling in rock’ in October. Got to here in main body text 1976 6th ARCSMFE held in Durban, South Africa 1977 P K le Roux Dam completed 1978 9th ICSMFE Tokyo and… View Article

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